Amazon Rainforest

A man of sixteen years age hikes in the Amazonian forest at not a rather rapid pace, as to keep steady the set of large, freshly filled water jugs in a rhythmic sway. Two kilometers to the falls for fresh water and two kilometers to return. He arrives to greet his family under a thatched roof hut.

Confidently standing with fists to his hips, the young man boasts his talent at resting his carrying-pole in between two fastened water jugs, securing it’s center to his trapezium, hands free. Both parents grin in a mild pride for their kin, reserving display of an overly enthused mien as to not feed a potential ego. As the young man lifts the pole from his back, the right end tips in torque in a losing battle of balance. His younger brother, aged six, rushes into the rescue to grab the side succumbing to gravity, hoisting it smoothly upward. The teenage son relieves his brother’s weight in a quick fell –swoop, grabbing both ends to a final lowering. Safely managed, the water jugs rest well on the hard hut floor, with a collected sigh of relief from all the family. Smirks are passed around the room in revel of irony.

Washing up time: An empty washbowl awaits dirty hands after the boiling cools to a steaming warmth. After cleaning hands collectively, the health and moods of the family and house are right and ready for meal preparation.

The elder son begins the soup’s pour gently into four bowls while his brother supports the hind of the pot. Watching and waiting in suspense, the elders of the house take witness to see that the job is done well. The last bits of broth ease from pot to bowls in final pours. Then, like a single dew-drop falling from a fern, a bead of sweat glides from the bridge of his nose, landing into his mother’s meal. The elder son slowly raises his head to greet his mother’s eyes as she feigns a grimace of disapproval for a long few seconds. She finally lets loose a hint of a grin, widening to a full fledged smile.  Father was first to laugh. Then, everyone all at once, collectively in a volley of sonorous joy.

Mid-Town Manhattan:

A thirty year old man enters his 34th street and 7th avenue apartment, Mid-Town Manhattan. He arrives after a long hike of four total blocks and two 15-minute subway trips. After placing his soon – to –be eaten deli sandwich on the table, he steps into the kitchen, turns the sink lever, and washes his hands.

-Rob Close

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